(25w6) Introduction to Kabbalah

February 19th, 2025, 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm



Kabbalah is a Jewish theology built on the premise that, although G-d is unknowable, we can experience spirituality by receiving the emanations from this unknowable source.  Through these we become partners in ongoing creation, we receive the capability to feel holiness, we receive guidance on ethics in our day-to-day lives and on repentance when we sin, and we become discoverers of new ideas, Torah interpretations, aspects of ourselves and understandings of the world around us.

This class will cover such topics as:

  • Understanding Evil, sin and repentance through Kabbalah
  • The Kabbalah of shabbat observance and prayer
  • Kabbalah in weddings, funeral and mourning rituals


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Jay McCrensky, PhD. is a leading Kabbalah scholar and past Jewish Study Center Board member.  He is a former professor at University of Maryland’s St Mary’s College, and author of Understanding Evil and Ethics through Kabbalah and Connecting to Judaism: Spirituality through Kabbalah, both available on Amazon and from Professor McCrensky.at jay@contemporarykabbalah.org. Dr. McCrensky currently heads The Contemporary Kabbalah Institute, a new non-profit center to promote contemporary kabbalistic spirituality as a path to Jewish spiritual revival.